WBS for trade show project planning, execution, project closing
1. Trade Show Project Planning, Execution, Project Closing
1.1. Identify project goals
1.2. Identify project participants
1.3. Project budgeting
1.4. Show marketing plan
1.5. Risk Planning
2. Venue Selection
2.1. Define venue requirements
2.2. Research shows
2.3. Select Venue
2.4. Sign agreements
3. Show Materials
3.1. Define required materials
3.1.1. Booth and display centers
3.1.2. Venue promotional materials
3.1.3. Technical product demos
3.1.4. Product brochures
3.1.5. Show give-a-ways
3.1.6. Show signs and banners
3.1.7. Show staff attire
3.1.8. WWW Updates
3.2. Materials storage & security requirements
3.2.1. Define requirements
3.2.2. Review venue provisions
3.2.3. Obtain additional secured storage
3.3. Keynote Speaker
3.3.1. Identify potential keynotes
3.3.2. Meet with potential keynotes
3.3.3. Select keynote
3.3.4. Design keynote presentation
3.4. Design materials
3.5. Order materials
3.6. Materials Asset Management
3.6.1. Inventory of show materials
3.6.2. Insurance updates
3.7. Materials preparation & shipment
3.7.1. Package materials
3.7.2. Materials shipping to show location
4. Show Promotion
4.1. WWW Updates
4.2. Email customers, prospects
4.2.1. Sales managers contact key clients & prospects
4.3. Press releases
4.4. Notices in retail locations
5. Show Scheduling
5.1. Special event schedule
5.2. Keynote schedule
5.3. Seminar schedule
5.4. Staff schedule
6. Staff selection and training
6.1. Staff selection
6.2. Staff training
6.3. Provide show attire
7. Setup
7.1. Staff Travel to location
7.2. Unpack and setup booth
7.3. Materials unpacking
7.4. Materials inventory
8. Show Day
9. Post Show
9.1. Tear down
9.2. Pack booth
9.3. Pack other show materials
9.4. Materials shipping
9.5. Lead Review
9.6. Sales database updates
9.6.1. Lead qualification and distribution to sales staff
9.6.2. Email to show visitors
9.6.3. Direct mail / post additional requested information
9.7. Project closing
9.7.1. Project lessons learned
9.7.2. Budget amended to reflect final project