Example Project Assumptions for a Data Migration Project
Data Migration projects, especially those across platforms or into new database structures, are inherently complex. Identifying project assumptions early in the project planning process is necessary to facilitate the scope of work definition. Assumptions should be documented clearly, without use of department specific acronyms or terminology which might not be understood by all members of the project team. Project assumptions, especially those initially identified by the Project Manager without input from the rest of the project team, should be distributed to the whole team as early in the project planning process as is reasonable.
Example Billing Project data migration project assumptions
- Business rules relating to billing processes (e.g. invoice cycles, pro-rating logic, re-connection and other fee structures) remain the same. A summary of used business rules will be distributed by the Finance Department.
- Data for active billing subscribers will be migrated. As at (date), there are 1000 active subscribers.
- Data for recently disconnected subscribers will be migrated. As at (date), there remain 250 inactive subscribers. Given current churn rates, there is a high probability that 75% of these currently inactive subscribers will request re-connection.
- Data for customers with an account balance (debt or credit) will be migrated.
- Data for customers with active equipment will be migrated
- Data for customers currently in the collections queue will be migrated.
- Data to be migrated includes (refer to data dictionary for format and detailed description of data to be migrated):
- Customer name
- Customer contact details
- Customer billing package details
- Customer equipment details
- Customer invoices generated since (date)
- Current, 30, 60, 90, > 90 day balances
- Notes on customer account
- Service call history details
- Method of Payment details (Credit Card, Direct Deposit details)
- Data to be migrated must be exported and cleaned before formatted for import into new platform. Cleaning can be completed by the Customer Service team before the end of (date).
- Data transformation can be completed by the Billing Administration department.
- The transformation tools identified and tested by the Billing Administration department will be adequate for the scope and duration of the project.
- Existing and new platform documentation is accurate.
- Internal staffing resources will be made available to complete required system testing.