Emergency and Safety Planning Template


This document provides a reference to important safety information. For more detailed safety information concerning your workplace, consult your supervisor and/or the appropriate employee personnel.


Our company’s ability to address emergencies depends on the cooperation and participation of all members of the company. The Emergency Response and evacuation Plan describes procedures that will be utilized during specifically identified severities of emergency.

Before an Emergency Occurs

  • KNOW the established emergency procedures for your building and work area
  • KNOW the hazards of any materials or equipment in your building and work area and the precautions to take to avoid or minimize associated risk
  • KNOW two means of egress from your area
  • KNOW the locations of fire alarm pull stations
  • KNOW the locations of portable fire extinguishers and how to use them
  • KNOW the location of the nearest first aid kit

Emergency Response and Evacuation Plan

Everyone is required to develop an individual emergency evacuation plan. This plan is supplemental to this handbook and provides building specific information. The evacuation plan must contain the following information:

  • emergency telephone numbers
  • evacuation personnel duties
  • designated meeting point
  • building information such as whether the building has an automatic sprinkler system, smoke detection, and/or manual alarm pull stations

For the main HQ complex there is a designated building manager who serves as the key communication contact during an emergency. All tenants should work together during an emergency evacuation.


If you discover a fire, an explosion, or smoke in a building, activate the fire alarm system immediately at the nearest fire alarm pull station to evacuate the building (see “Evacuation Procedures” below).

After sounding the fire alarm, call 911 from a safe location. Provide the building name, address, floor, and building number. Do not assume that someone else has called.

If the fire is in an unoccupied room, try to close the door to retard the spread of smoke and heat; do not take any unnecessary risks in doing this.

Only, if the fire is small and you have received training in fire extinguisher operation should you attempt to extinguish the fire; do not take any unnecessary risks in doing this.

When Police and/or fire fighters arrive, direct them to the fire.

Evacuation Procedures

  • When a fire alarm sounds, evacuation is required.
  • Walk, do not run, to the nearest stairway exit and proceed to ground level. Close doors as you leave. Shut down equipment while evacuating.
  • Do not use elevators during a fire emergency.
  • If the fire alarm stops, continue the evacuation and warn others who may attempt to enter the building.
  • Leave the building and move away from it, keeping walks and drives open for arriving firefighters. Proceed to your prearranged rally area as defined in your Building Emergency Plan.
  • Everyone must follow the orders of the fire and police departments.

Evacuation of Persons with Disabilities

Persons with disabilities must study and remember the features of each building they are in, including stairways, exits, phone locations, and elevator procedures. At certain times, assistance from others may be needed. Prior to an emergency situation persons with disabilities should develop an escort system in their daily environment.

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers can be found throughout a building in hallways and other areas, either in cabinets or mounted on wall brackets. Make sure you know the location and type of the nearest fire extinguisher. Report missing, discharged, or damaged fire extinguishers to Facilities Management as soon as possible. If you use a fire extinguisher, do not return it to its cabinet or bracket. Report the use of the extinguisher immediately to Management to have it replaced.

Only individuals trained in using fire extinguishers should use them. Information and training on fire extinguishers are available from Management.

Clothing Fires

If your clothing is on fire, do not run. If a shower is immediately nearby, get under the shower and let the water flow over the burned area until medical help arrives. Otherwise, the universal instruction is stop, drop, and roll. Immediately drop to the floor and roll repeatedly to extinguish the flames, holding your hands over your face to protect it from flames.

Power Outage

In the event of a power outage the building has a generator that should provide power for the fire alarm system and emergency lighting. However, it may be difficult to see well enough to maneuver. Consider keeping a flashlight where it can be easily found in the dark or using a plug-in battery-operated emergency light.


Each elevator is equipped with an emergency telephone, which is directly connected to the Police. If you are trapped in an elevator, use the emergency telephone. You do not need to dial; it will ring automatically. If you become trapped in an elevator, notify Police and describe your location as clearly as possible.

If an elevator does not seem to be operating properly, call Facilities Management during business hours.

Hurricane and Severe Thunderstorms

A hurricane watch is when conditions are favorable for hurricanes. You may continue normal activities, but supervisors should assign someone to monitor the situation and notify others in the building if storm conditions deteriorate.

A hurricane warning is when a hurricane is occurring in the area. Seek shelter immediately! Do your normal hurricane procedures.

A severe thunderstorm watch is when conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms. You may continue normal activities, but supervisors should assign someone to monitor the situation.

A severe thunderstorm warning is when severe thunderstorms are occurring in the area. Be prepared to move to a place of shelter if threatening weather approaches. Stay indoors away from windows until the storm passes.


In the event of an earthquake there is little time to react. When you first feel shaking, immediately take cover under something sturdy — your desk, for example. If you cannot reach cover, brace yourself in an interior doorway or crouch in an interior corner away from windows, shelves, or cabinets. Do not try to get outside. If you are outside at the time of the earthquake, move away from the sides of buildings, overhead wires, or other hazards. If you are driving, pull over to the side of the road and stop. Avoid overpasses and power lines. Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking is over. Be prepared for aftershocks.


Our Company’s ability to address safety issues depends on the cooperation and participation of all members of the company.

Suspicious Persons

If you see suspicious persons in your building or on your property, report them to the Police immediately. You should provide a complete description of the person, what he or she was doing, his or her last known location, and his or her direction of travel (if known). The Police will respond and require identification from the suspicious person. If circumstances warrant, the Police will remove unauthorized persons from the premises.


All employees should heed the following steps to ensure their personal safety.

While working 

  • Keep all valuables locked away and/or lock your office door when you leave your office, even if you are away for only a short period.
  • Ask un-escorted visitors entering your office to identify themselves and whom they are meeting.
  • Request identification from persons who wish to repair or remove property.
  • Call Police if a person entering your office area appears to be suspicious, won’t identify him- or herself, or asks for a person who does not work in your area.

Secure computers and other valuable equipment. Keep records of all serial numbers on equipment.

While working after hours

  • Lock all doors to the outside.
  • Keep your office door closed and locked.
  • Never prop open a door for someone who will be joining you or allow strangers to enter with you.
  • Never leave your purse or wallet unattended.

Remove valuable items from your desktop and close and lock file drawers, windows, and doors when leaving your office/cube for the day.

When walking at night

  • Walk with someone you know if possible.
  • Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Plan the safest route to your destination, and use the same route every time.
  • Walk briskly and confidently in the center of the sidewalk.
  • Avoid dark areas and shortcuts.
  • If you think you are being followed, head quickly for a lighted area, or a group of people.
  • Consider carrying chemical spray or a personal alarm.
  • Have your car or house keys in hand as you approach your vehicle
    or home.
  • Do not hitchhike.

Theft and Missing Property

Theft or missing property should be reported immediately to Police. An officer will take a report of the loss and of the circumstances surrounding the loss.

Technicians Safety Procedures

Whenever working in the field or warehouse the following procedures should be followed:

  • When driving a company vehicle you must drive at or below the speed limit, always ware a seat belt, be alert of your surroundings, and never drink alcohol or take mind altering drugs.
  • When climbing a tower always use a safety climbing belt.
  • Wear clothing and footwear appropriate for the work you are hired to perform. Jewelry, rings, loose sleeves, ties, lapels, cuffs, tags, or other loose objects which can be entangled shall not be worn. Ordinary shoes made of leather or other approved materials shall be worn as a minimum in locations where manual work is done. Slippers, canvas shoes, sandals, and shoes with open toes shall not be worn in such locations.
  • Wearing hand protection, eye protection, foot protection, protective clothing, hoods, head protection, respirators, or other safety equipment is mandatory in those areas and operations specified by your supervisor.
  • When assisting or observing work which is hazardous, wear safety equipment which affords the same protection as that required for the person performing the work.
  • Do not disconnect alarms, warning devices, emergency equipment or similar systems without specific permission from your supervisor and the person responsible for the work area.
  • Do not use makeshift devices to ascend or descend between different levels.
  • Do not attempt to operate industrial vehicles, cranes, or hoists unless you are authorized and trained to do so.
  • Never leave a piece of equipment or part in such a condition that the next employee could get hurt when he/she takes over where you left off.
  • Do not carry sharp objects in pockets or clothing.
  • Keep tools in good condition. Do not use chisels with mushroomed heads, dull saws, hammers with cracked handles, broken electric plugs, etc. Use the right tool for the job.
  • Do not use defective equipment or return a broken or defective tool to storage. The next employee who uses the tool may be seriously injured. Have the tool repaired.
  • Do not remove or disengage guards provided by the manufacturer for any power tool.
  • Check ladders before use. Do not use weak or defective ladders or ladders with missing steps, broken steps, cracked side rails, or broken hardware.
  • It is the responsibility of every employee to perform work in a safe manner.

Medical Treatment Procedures

Whenever you encounter a person who is ill or injured, follow these steps:

  • Keep the victim as comfortable as possible.
  • Do not move the victim any more than is necessary for his or her safety.
  • Never administer liquids to an unconscious victim.

Do not remove objects that may be embedded in the victim’s skin.

Life-Threatening Injuries and Illnesses

Life-threatening conditions include severe chest pains, gunshot wounds, severe burns, hemorrhaging, severe head injuries, and open (compound) fractures, among others.

In the event of a life-threatening medical situation, call 911. Fire department paramedics will respond for treatment and transportation to a hospital emergency room.

Other Injuries and Illnesses

In you encounter an injured or ill person, help that person seek medical
attention and notify your supervisor of the incident.

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